Grupo ASV
A twist to the Group's online presence

Project brand and attract customers with a strong online presence
Grupo ASV came to NITSNETS with the challenge of renovating the websites of the main companies of the Group. A major project that involved the creation of five independent websites, fully adapted to the characteristics and objectives of each business.
Grupo ASV already had websites for its main companies but they were made with traditional PHP and also had limitations in terms of image, structure and message.
The main objectives of the websites for Grupo ASV were:
- To highlight the differential value of their services and reflect their brand image
- To increase lead acquisition through the web.
- Increase customer value by offering relevant content and a usable and attractive website.
- To favor the positioning in search engines and gain visibility to counteract possible reputation crisis.
- Facilitate editing and updating of content, campaigns and promotions.
- To have a version adapted to mobile devices.
- To offer value-added services through integration with their Information System.

A turn-key project: from consulting to content creation
Counting on the close collaboration of Grupo ASV's communication team, the creation of five turnkey websites including Seguros Meridiano, Grupo ASV Servicios Funerarios, Transporte Sanitario Ayuda, Limbo and the Group's corporate website was carried out.
For each website, an independent and complete project was developed covering the whole process: consulting, prototyping, graphic design, frontend, HTML/CSS layout, backend, web development and contents.
The initial consultancy marks the strategy from which each site is built. In addition to the visual and technical part, for each website, all the texts are written, the photographic reports are directed and the images are selected.
The focus of each website is on the user-customer, fundamental to the Group's philosophy, and in the fulfillment of its main objectives: brand positioning and lead generation.

Fast navigation as if downloaded to your mobile
Thanks to the Angular Universal technology, the rendering of each page is done on the server which means a faster loading speed, thus generating an improvement in the user experience.
Moreover, like good wine, the more time passes, the better the performance, thanks to the development of technology. A technical ingenuity at the service of the great institution that makes up Grupo ASV.
"In addition to being a reliable partner that dominates the technological vanguard, NITSNETS has been able to understand the dynamics of our business, adapt to it and offer accurate solutions to our business challenges."
Luis Nouel. Customer Experience and Communication Manager at ASV Group
A customized and flexible Content Management System
To manage the content, a customized CMS was created using an OpenSource technology stack with full transfer of rights to the client. The project was approached as a unified whole while integrating the particularities of each website.
In addition, the creation of a catalog of customized modules allowed new custom pages to be generated from the CMS without the need for extra programming.

Improved image and better traffic and acquisition data
The renovation of the web sites has meant a radical change in the presence of each company on the Internet and has resulted in an increase of the figures in all senses: from qualified traffic to the acquisition of potential clients
page views on Seguros Meridiano
sessions in Funeral Services
new users in Ambulances Help
daily leads
page views